In the first expansion of World of Warcraft called “Burning Crusade” developers have continued with the formula of factions they invented in first version of the game, though the way you get exalted with them has changed for some of them. Some of them still require you to kill an insane amount of enemies from certain zones and inside dungeons, and others can only be reached by turning in special items that drop only from certain mobs. For example, to reach exalted with faction of Shattrath City you’ll have to do Fel Armament farming, which drop very rarely from any demon of the Burning Legion faction.
There are total 19 Burning Crusade reputation factions that you can ally, although rewards that you get from most of them are no longer beneficial for your character and don’t affect their performance. This is why we only present Burning Crusade rep with rewards that at least have some up-to-date value for your archetype. Some of the items are equipment and recipes that you can turn into transmogrification items to help you fashion your character. There are also many different TBC reputation mounts that you can ride into battle or just have to increase number in your collection.