Lich King Classic Powerleveling

Wrath Classic leveling boost service includes:
• Character leveling: we will get your character from your current to your desired level: from 1 to 80, as fast as possible. During the process your class will be taken through many quests and dungeons in continents of Outland and Northrend;
• You can choose Normal or Fast speed to level your character. With fast speed leveling will be around 25% faster;
• Boosters will use a moderate amount of gold to speed up leveling process on things such as: Repair, Flight Master, Talent Change, etc. All remaining gold will be left on the character, as well as all items obtained during the boost;
• Crafting & Gathering Professions: you can additionally purchase leveling of selected professions to the maximum rank. Profession leveling will be done during the leveling boost;
• Artisan Mount Skill - Flying 280%: we will farm exact amount of gold needed to purchase Artisan Mount Skill and obtain 280% flying speed;
• Livestreaming: you will be able to watch leveling process on livestreams;
Requirements for WOTLK Classic leveling service:
• This service is done only in piloted mode and requires account sharing;
• Additional services, with exception of livestreaming, require leveling to maximum level.
Arise, Heroes! The armies of the undead legion yet again threatens Azeroth. Lich King has awakened from his slumber, and the Scourge is running rampant across the world. We need adventurers to battle this returning threat now more than ever. Travel to the frozen lands of Northrend on a campaign to stop the threat of the undead once and for all in Wrath of the Lich King Classic!
Lich King Classic finally begins, and with it we offer Lich King Classic leveling service! As you know, the game back then took way much more time to level up a single character than it takes in retail WoW. If you want to experience end-game content immediately, with one purchase of WOTLK Classic leveling we will get your character to maximum level. Our boosters are all players are from way back when original Lich King has existed: they know all the ways to optimize the leveling to get your character in level 80 as fast as possible. We also offer additional services that we will complete together with leveling, such as getting your professions to the maximum, obtaining enough gold to purchase 280% mount skill and more.
Review - Lich King Classic Powerleveling