Dragon Racing Boost

WoW Dragon Racing boost includes:
• Dragon Racing tracks - we will complete all dragon racing tracks in the selected zones;
• Spiked Crimson Spaulders - special shoulders transmog that you will get for completing races in all Dragon Isles zones on Bronze Medal;
• Bronze Racing Enthusiast - unique proto-drake pet with racing flag in it's teeth for completing races in all Dragon Isles zones on Silver Medal;
• "Isles Racer" Title - a title for completing races in all Dragon Isles zones on Golden Medal;
• "Zaralek Cavern Racer" Title - a title for completing all races in Zaralek Cavern zone on Golden Medal for Normal, Reverse and Advanced races;
• Dragon Riding customization - you will also get hair and armor for specific dragons for completing all races on Silver Medal in specific zones: for Renewed Proto-drake in Waking Shores, Windborne Velocidrake in Ohn'ahran Plains, Highland Drake in Azure Span, Cliffside Wylderdrake in Thaldraszus;
Boost ETC: 1-3 days, depending on requested zones to complete.
Requirements for Dragonflight Dragon Racing boost:
• This service is done only in piloted mode and requires account sharing;
• Your character must have dragon riding mount;
• For gold medal you must have all Dragon Riding talents unlocked. If you need to to unlock them, you can purchase Dragon Glyphs service on our website;
Review - Dragon Racing Boost