Dragonflight Mythic Dungeons Boost

Dragonflight Mythic Dungeons Boost offers:
• We will follow your character through all Dragonflight mythic dungeons;
• You will get 372+ item level gear during the boost;
• There is also a chance to obtain rare mounts, transmog or pets;
• Gold and other resources obtained during the boost;
• Boost takes approximately about 30 minutes per dungeon;
Requirements for Mythic Dungeon Carry:
• Your character must have a maximum level;
As you know, the starting PvE content in any new expansion after you reach maximum level is dungeons! And what better way there is to prepare your character for raids than mythic dungeons? In Dragonflight, there are two dungeons per main questing zone, meaning there are total of eight dungeons at the release of the game that developers have prepared for players to rush in. All of the dungeons are filled with unique bosses and encounters, which can drop you gear of different strength depending on the difficulty. At maximum level, Normal drops Item Level 346, Heroic Item Level 359, and the stronger and hardest Mythic drops Item Level 372 gear.
But, mythic is not so easy at the start of the expansion, especially if your party is too weak to just boast through while pulling every pack with their faces. It requires a coordinated team that knows abilities and mechanics of trash packs and bosses to prevail. This is why BestBoost.Club offers to all World of Warcraft players Dragonflight Mythic Dungeon carry. We will take your character through requested dungeons on mythic difficulty and obtain for you that sweet loot. You can choose additional options to make sure you almost fully equip your character in mythic gear, to prepare for the content coming and to defeat your enemies with ease.
Our BestBoost.Club team works around the clock 24/7, ready to take your order. You can go with our boosting team via selfplay mode and witness how our players decimate the fiends on the Mythic difficulty, or you can trust your character in our hands with piloted mode. You won't have to participate in the dungeon runs, and at the end of the boost we will send you screenshots with your character and his saves for selected by you dungeons. You can also get additional gear by choosing "Additional boosters" option. All gear that drops to a booster will be traded to your character, which will help you to get faster into harder end-game content.
Review - Dragonflight Mythic Dungeons Boost