Heritage Armor Unlock

What will you get for this service:
• Unlock of the Heritage Armor for any race that has one;
• Exalted reputation with the faction of your race if you choose a default one;
• Leveling of character to maximum level if you choose Allied Race;
• Gold, items and artifact power obtained throughout the boost;
• The completion of the service takes different time depending on your current progress and chosen race. Please, verify time with our online support;
Requirements for ordering this service:
• You must have maximum level character for default races or any level character for Allied Race;
Buy Heritage Armor Boost
When the allied races were announced, everyone was shook about it. But what came as even bigger surprise is that they come with their own set of armor that represents themselves as the relic of their culture. Each set of raiment is unique to only their race and no one else; you won’t be able to equip Nightborne armor as a Tauren. But to unlock Heritage Armor, you’ll have to do a full on leveling of a champion from zero to hero. And that is exactly why we as BestBoost.Club team have created this service – to complete the chore for you!
How to unlock Heritage Armor?
It takes to level a character from the start without any shortcuts for all allied races, and for original races, such as Blood Elves and Dwarfs, it’s getting exalted with their own faction and completing a story questline. This could get in a way of getting your unique cool gear transmog for your character. And this is why BestBoost.Club team is prepared to complete the task for you! We will do anything and everything to obtain armor for your selected character and race: we will level your character if it’s an allied race, and we will exalt them with their faction if it’s an original character. And we will do whatever else developers will come up with new heritage armor that will be added in the future!
- Requirements to obtain the armor
• Void Elf: we will reach level 50 on your Void Elf character.
• Lightforged Draenei: we will reach level 50 on your Lightforged Draenei character.
• Highmountain Tauren: we will reach level 50 on your Highmountain Tauren character.
• Nightborne Elf: we will reach level 50 on your Nightborne Elf character.
• Mag’har Orc: we will reach level 50 on your Mag’har Orc character.
• Dark Iron Dwarf: we will reach level 50 on your Dark Iron Dwarf character.
• Zandalari Troll: we will reach level 50 on your Zandalari Troll character.
• Kul Tiran Human: we will reach level 50 on your Kul Tiran Human character.
• Vulpera: we will reach level 50 on your Vulpera character.
• Mechagnome: we will reach level 50 on your Dark Iron Dwarf character.
• Blood Elf: we will reach Exalted with “Silvermoon” and finish their Heritage Quest.
• Dwarf: we will reach Exalted with “Ironforge” and finish their Heritage Quest.
• Gnome: we will reach Exalted with “Gnomeregan” and finish their Heritage Quest.
• Tauren: we will reach Exalted with “Thunder Bluff” and finish their Heritage Quest.
• Worgen: we will reach Exalted with “Gilneas” and finish their Heritage Quest.
• Goblin: we will reach Exalted with “Bilgewater Cartel” and finish their Heritage Quest.
Review - Heritage Armor Unlock