Lich King Classic Dungeons Boost

In Wrath of the Lich King Classic, dungeon content thrives! There are so many dungeons you won't even know where to start. There will be twelve dungeons in total at the start of the expansion, with four additional dungeons being added later in the expansion. Each dungeon will also have Normal and Heroic options, giving you a choice between easier time and harder bosses with better loot.
BestBoost.Club team is ready to complete as many dungeon runs as you want. We will complete all the daily runs for you, and at the end of the day you will have a lot of equipment prepared for you to use.
What will you get for Lich King Classic Dungeons Boost:
• We will follow your character through available Lich King Classic dungeons;
• During the boost you have a chance to obtain 155+ item level gear on Normal difficulty dungeons, and 200 item level gear on Heroic difficulty dungeons;
• You will also get gold and other resources during the boost;
• Boost takes approximately around 30 minutes per dungeon;
Requirements for purchasing Lich King Classic Dungeon Carry:
• Your character must be level 80 to purchase this service;
• For Heroic dungeons your character must have Item Level of 170 or higher;
Review - Lich King Classic Dungeons Boost