Honor Farm Boost

Honor Farm Boost

Honor Farm Boost
Select your region:
Currency Ones EU: SKU: Price: Qty:
Quantity 100|Choose quantity of Honor you want to get from Rated PvP|100 +$0.51
Currency Ones US: SKU: Price: Qty:
Quantity 100|Choose quantity of Honor you want to get from Rated PvP|100 +$0.51
Final Total:

 Honor Farming service includes:

• We will obtain requested amount of Honor for your character;

• You will be able to exchange Honor Point for PvP gear. Depending on your current rating, you will be able to upgrade said gear to higher levels with Honor;

• On Rated PvP earned honor will also count towards your Weekly Vault: you will earn first reward at 1250 Honor, second reward at 2500 honor, and third and last reward at 5000 honor;

 Boost ETC: around ~30 minutes per 1000 honor farmed.

 Requirements for purchasing Honor Farm boost: 

• Your character must have maximum level to participate in the boost;

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