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Burning Crusade Reputations
Cenarion Expedition Reputation

Cenarion Expedition Reputation Boost

Cenarion Expedition Reputation Boost
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 Who are Cenarion Expedition?

    Cenarion Expedition is a group of druids from Cenarion Circle sent to explore the uncharted lands of the Outland during the reopening of Dark Portal. They have made their base of operations in Zangarmarsh, but their members can also be met in other zones of Outland during the events of the Burning Crusade.

 Cenarion Expedition Reputation Rewards

    After reaching exalted with Cenarion Expedition you’ll be able to purchase many different TBC transmogrification gear and weapons. But the main reason why people level standing with this faction is the Cenarion War Hippogryph mount.

 How to get Cenarion Expedition Reputation

    WoW Cenarion Expedition rep grind is mostly grinded through the runs of the Steamvault dungeon, in which you can get a considerable amount of reputation with each run. Alternatively, you can also run quests that are related to Cenarion Expedition. 

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