The Hivemind

The Hivemind
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 Obtain The Hivemind mount at BestBoost.Club

    With the addition of new 8.1 patch, many new mounts have been added. One of them is shrouded in mystery with very hard puzzles and infinite mazes made by the Old Gods themselves. It's maddening, some do not have the strength nor the will to do it... These riddles could go on for hours and hours, but you still will have no results... That's why the BestBoost.Club service is prepared to solve the mystery of The Hivemind for you!

 What you should know about the mount:

• It’s received as a reward for completing hard puzzles that go on throughout all the continents of Azeroth.

• The chance of getting the mount in time of the gameplay is 100%.

• The mount is only used to move on the ground.

• The completion of the service takes up to 4 hours. Please, verify time with our online support.

 If you'll buy The Hivemind mount, you will get:

• The Hivemind mount

• You won't have to tirelessly wander across all the Azeroth to get the mount

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