Glory of the Draenor Raider

Glory of the Draenor Raider Boost
In Draenor there are two raids that share one glory achievement between each other, and you can obtain a unique reward for completing it. The only problem is that you need to assemble a raid with good gear to conquer the bosses and complete the challenges inside the instances. But with our help, you can be sure to add the new mount to your collection without any worries.
How to unlock Gorestrider Gronnling?
To unlock Gorestrider Gronnling you need to complete 13 achievements inside two raids: Highmaul, the heart of Ogre Empire, and Blackrock Foundry, a deep forge inside a mountain filled with orces and ancient magic. And these are some of the most challenging tasks you’ll ever have to complete. Especially stands out “Ya, We’ve Got Time” in which you have to defeat all primal elementalists within ten seconds. It’s very difficult because it is a final phase of the battle, during which boss will burn your party harder and harder, so you don’t have time to relax. Fortunately for you, BestBoost.Club team is already equipped with insanely geared raiders and prepared to eat fights like this on breakfast. We’ll obtain the unique mount for you in no time!
What will you get for this service:
• A mount called “Gorestrider Gronnling”.
• 18 achievements unlocked
• Loot from bosses obtained during the completion of the service
Review - Glory of the Draenor Raider