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Zereth Mortis Flying Unlock

Zereth Mortis Flying Unlock Boost

Zereth Mortis Flying Unlock Boost
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Buy Zereth Mortis Flying Unlock Boost on bestboost.club


 Boost ETC: up to 1 hours per Flying Unlock chapter. The boost can't be completed until the third reset after 9.2 patch release.

 Zereth Mortis Flying Unlock boost service includes:

• Completion of Zereth Mortis Flying Unlock - we will take your character throught Zereth Mortis Flying Unlock and uncover the secrets of the First Ones to stop the Jailer from annihilating all of the life;

• Access to Cypher of the First Ones - new player power system for outworld zones of Shadowlands, making completing content in the world much more convenient;

• Protoform Synthesis crafting system - create many new battle pets and mounts themed after automata by using schematics and reagents found in Zereth Mortis;

• Meet Pocopoc, a friend automata that will accompany you in your journey inside Zereth Mortis. He will assist you in combat and guide you to worthnote areas in the zone;

• The Enlightened faction reputation - a new faction of brokers that found Zereth Mortis and deemed it sacred. You will obtain many new rewards by leveling their reputation status;

• New World and Daily Quests - those will award you many new useful rewards for your character progression, such as renown, new legendary currency called Cosmic Flux, cache with Cyphers for new player power systems, legendary material for vessel crafting and more;

• New Unity Legendary - obtain new legendary belt that enchances your current covenant ability, swapping to whichever covenant you have at the moment. It can be equipped together with your current Shadowlands legendary;

 Requirements for purchasing Zereth Mortis questline boost: 

• Your character must have maximum level to participate in the boost;

• This service is done only in piloted mode and requires account sharing;

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