Glory of the Dominant Raider

Glory of the Dominant Raider is a set of challenging achievements set inside Sanctum of Domination raid. There is one for each boss in the instance, making it 10 total achievements. There are some challenges as: delivering a cat pet to Kel'Thuzad through the whole raid, taking a selfie as a whole raid with Eye of the Jailer and scoring three goals with explosive bombs. For completing those achievement you will get a new walking hand mount for your collection!
Boost ETC: 2 - 4 hours.
Dominant Raider boost service includes:
• Bracer of Hrestimorak which will summon a walking titan hand of Hrestimorak, your new grounded mount.
• Meta Achievement: Glory of the Dominant Raider.
• Gold, item level 226+ loot and other items that drop to you during the raid.
Requirements for purchasing this service:
• Your character must have maximum level to participate in the boost;
Review - Glory of the Dominant Raider