Armies of Legionfall Reputation Boost
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Who are the Armies of Legionfall?
Armies of Legionfall is the last ditch effort formed by all Class factions to stop the Burning Legion invasion on the Broken Shores here and now. They have built their garrison right outside the Tomb of Sargeras and formed a blockade in effort to stop any attempts of the demons on advancing further than the Broken Isles.
Armies of Legionfall Reputation Rewards
After reaching exalted with the Armies of Legionfall you can purchase some unique toys from their quartermaster. You’ll also get access to obtaining your own new flying Class mount for your collection!
How to get Armies of Legionfall Reputation
WoW Armies of Legionfall rep grind can be done by either completing their main questline on the Broken Shores or by doing World Quests in the zone.
Review - Armies of Legionfall Reputation Boost