The Enlightened Reputation Boost

Boost ETC: up to 80 days. Depending on selected reputation status and current reputation level.
The Enlightened reputation boost service includes:
• Reputation with The Enlightened faction - we will take your character to Zereth Mortis and complete daily activities to level reputation with new faction of brokers as fast as possible;
• Access to rewards from the Enlightened quatermaster, including: recipe for optional reagent to create tradable 262 ilvl gear, Tome of the Eternal for crafting rank 7 vessel for legendaries, Memory of Unity - new legendary power that can be equipped together with additional legendary item, Eternal Augment Rune - the permament augment rune, and more;
• Access to Paragon reputation rewards - after obtaining Exalted status with the faction, you can keep grinding reputation to obtain Paragon cache that has a chance to obtain schematics for Protoform Synthesis mount crafting, new toy, cosmetic staff transmog, Ray Night Fae soulshape and ability to use Wormhole Generator to teleport to Zereth Mortis, and more;
Requirements for purchasing The Enlightened exalted reputation boost:
• Your character must have maximum level to participate in the boost;
• Your character must have access to world and daily quests in Zereth Mortis that are available after completing first chapter of the campaign;
• This service is done only in piloted mode and requires account sharing;
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