Cosmic Flux Farm Boost

Boost ETC: up to 40 minutes per 100 units of Cosmic Flux.
Cosmic Flux Farm boost service includes:
• Cosmic Flux - we will farm a new legendary currency for your character. The currency is used for obtaining Memory of Unity legendary power, upgrading your existing legendary from Rank 6 to 7, and for reforging equipment into tier set pieces;
• To complete the execution of the service we will farm daily quests, repeatable treasures, rares or available Torghast floors 13-16;
• During the farm you will obtain gold, equipment, Cyphers of the First Ones, materials and other valuable items;
Requirements for purchasing Zereth Mortis legendary currency boost:
• Your character must have access to Zereth Mortis and it's world quests;
• Your character must have item level 260 or higher for efficient farming of the resource;
• This service is done only in piloted mode and requires account sharing;
Review - Cosmic Flux Farm Boost