Leveling & Reputation
Old Reputations
Cataclysm Reputations
Wildhammer Clan Reputation

Wildhammer Clan Reputation Boost

Wildhammer Clan Reputation Boost
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 Who are Wildhammer Clan?

    Wildhammer Clan is a clan of dwarfs also known as mountain dwarfs. They avoid technology in favor of shamanism and normal weapons, such as hammer imbued with the power of the storms. Renowned for their acts of bravery, they ride their gryphons into battle against the Horde to protect their lands and keep peace for the Alliance. 

 Wildhammer Clan Reputation Rewards

    After reaching exalted with Wildhammer Clan you can purchase items from their quartermaster. You can use this gear later as your transmogrification armor. You can also purchase their tabard for your collection.

 How to get Wildhammer Clan Reputation

    WoW Wildhammer Clan rep grind is completed mostly by questing. You can complete their main story line for a reasonable amount of standing and then do daily quests in order to reach exalted. There is also a way of gaining reputation through their faction tabard: equipping it will count all reputation gains inside heroic Cataclysm dungeons, Grim Batol and Halls of Origination towards them.

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