Council of Exarchs Reputation Boost

Council of Exarchs Reputation Boost
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 Who are the Council of Exarchs?

    Council of Exarchs is the leadership of five powerful draenei exarchs that guide their race to survival and prosperity. They have found themselves under attack by the Ner’zhul and his Shadowmoon Clan. Now they fight back the Iron Horde in pursuit of justice for what they have done to their people. This is the Alliance Only faction.

 Council of Exarchs Reputation Rewards

    After reaching exalted with Council of Exarchs you can get their signature elekk mount called Dusty Rockhide, a new companion pet robot, faction’s tabard, and a new toy that stuns you for 20 seconds! Don’t buy the toy, it is useless!

 How to get Council of Exarchs Reputation

    WoW Council of Exarchs rep grind is mostly done by questing in Shadowmoon Valley. When you’re done with them, you still can gain reputation by defeating high level mobs in the several areas of the zone.

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