Vault of the Incarnates Mythic Run Boost

Boost ETC: 3 - 4 hours.
This service includes:
• Vault of the Incarnates run on Mythic Difficulty - we will take your character through Vault of the Incarnates on Mythic Difficulty and defeat selected bosses;
• Personal loot drop, ilvl 415+ gear - during the run you have chance to obtain 415+ item level gear from the first bosses of the raid, up to 424 item level gear from the last bosses of the raid;
• Guaranteed loot - depending on how many bosses you purchase, you are guaranteed to obtain mythic gear for your character;
• Achievements from raid - you may acquire Mythic achievements, as well as Ahead of the Curve for defeating last boss of the instance;
• Account Sharing - if you choose piloted, our boosters will play on your character during the boost. Choose selfplay if you want to play yourself;
Requirements for purchasing this service:
• Your character must have maximum level to participate in the boost;
• Your character must have item level 390+ to participate in the boost;
• You must not have cooldown/save for Vault of the Incarnates on Mythic difficulty in order to receive loot;
Boost ETC: 3 - 4 hours.
Vault of the Incarnates Mythic boost service includes:
• Vault of the Incarnates run on Mythic Difficulty - we will take your character through the raid released during patch 9.2 with full or partial completion of encounters inside the instance. During the time of gameplay, you will be able to strengthen your hero by acquiring new items from the bosses or trash inside the instance;
• Personal loot drop, ilvl 415+ gear - during the run you have chance to obtain 415+ item level gear from the first bosses of the raid, up to 424 item level gear from the last bosses of the raid. The gear that can drop from the raid includes: gear of your armor type, tier sets with special enchancing effects, single two handed or two one handed weapons, trinkets in both slots, two rings and necklace. The gear obtained from the bosses is random and are only generally determined by their respective loot tables;
• Guaranteed loot - depending on how many bosses you purchase, you are guaranteed to obtain mythic gear for your character! The more bosses you purchase - the more gear you will obtain. If you don't acquire guaranteed quantity of items during the boost, we will conduct a bonus run on multiple Mythic bosses next week to compensate for unobtained loot;
- 1/8 bosses – no items guaranteed;
- 2/8 bosses – 1 item;
- 3/8 bosses – 1 item;
- 4/8 bosses – 2 items in different slots;
- 5/8 bosses – 3 items in different slots;
- 6/8 bosses – 3 items in different slots;
- 7/8 bosses – 4 items in different slots;
- 8/8 bosses – 5 items in different slots;
• Achievements acquired during the boost - during your runs you may acquire different achievements required for Raider mount achievement, as well as Ahead of the Curve for defeating last boss of the instance;
• Piloted Mode - if you select this option, your character will be played by our trusted boosters. This option is convenient if you don't want to or don't have time to participate in the raid;
• Selfplay Mode - if you select this option, you will play your character yourself during the raid. This way you will be able to witness the process of completing the instance yourself, but you'll have to be ready on required time;
The bosses will be defeated in the following order:
1. Eranog
2. Terros
3. The Primal Council
4. Sennarth, The Cold Breath
5. Dathea, Ascended
6. Kurog Grimtotem
7. Broodkeeper Diurna
8. Raszageth the Storm-Eater
Requirements for purchasing the Mythic raid boost for the Vault of the Incarnates:
• Your character must have maximum level to participate in the boost;
• Your character must have item level 390+ to participate in the boost;
• You must not have cooldown/save for Vault of the Incarnates on Mythic difficulty in order to receive loot;
How Vault Mythic raid will be completed?
Before you Buy WoW Vault of the Incarnates Mythic Loot Run Boost Service, contact our operators to schedule the time during which the raid will be completed. If you choose selfplay mode, it is very important to match when the raids are available and when you are able to play. Afterwards, our operators will find and assign a raiding group for the run of the latest Vault raid in Mythic Mode. During the run and/or at the end of it, you will obtain items that will drop from the bosses via random chance. If you purchased additional boosters, you will get guaranteed additional items during and/or at the end of the run via trade.
Review - Vault of the Incarnates Mythic Run Boost