TBC Classic Dungeon Attunement
What will you get for this service:
• We will complete attunement on your character for selected dungeons or raids.
• You will obtain some gold and have a chance to get some loot for your character during the boost.
• Shadow Labyrinth: you will get access to the Shadow Labyrinth dungeon with acquisition of Shadow Labyrinth Key.
• Arcatraz: you will get access to the Arcatraz dungeon with acquisition of Key to the Arcatraz.
• The Black Morass: you will get access to the Black Morass dungeon.
• Shattered Halls: you will get access to the Shattered Halls with acquisition of Shattered Halls Key.
• Karazhan: you will get access to the Karazhan raid with acquisition of The Master's Key. We will follow your character through the whole questline, and complete attunements for Shadow Labyrinth, Arcatraz and Black Morass in the process.
• Hellfire Citadel: you will get access to heroic difficulty of the dungeons in Hellfire Citadel with acquisition of Flamewrought Key.
• Coilfang Reservoir: you will get access to heroic difficulty of the dungeons in Coilfang Reservoir with acquisition of Reservoir Key.
• Auchindoun: you will get access to heroic difficulty of the dungeons in Coilfang Reservoir with acquisition of Auchenai Key.
• Tempest Keep: you will get access to heroic difficulty of the dungeons in Tempest Keep with acquisition of Warpforged Key.
• Caverns of Time: you will get access to heroic difficulty of the dungeons in Caverns of Time with acquisition of Key of Time.
• The boost takes up different time depending on the chosen attunement. Contact our operators for more information.
Requirements for Reputation Boost in World of Warcraft Classic:
• Your character must be level 70 to complete this service.
• Your character must have flying in Outland unlocked.
Review - TBC Classic Dungeon Attunement