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Shado-Pan Assault Reputation
Shado-Pan Assault Reputation Boost
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Buy Shado-Pan Assault Reputation Boost on bestboost.club
Who are Shado-Pan Assault?
Shado-Pan Assault is an assault force set on stopping mogu king Ra-Den from resurrecting the Mogu Empire. They forces can primarly be found at Isle of Thunder, right outside Throne of Thunder. They also act as a mediator between forces of the Alliance and the Horde at the Island.
Shado-Pan Assault Reputation Rewards
After reaching exalted with Shado-Pan Assault you’ll only be able to purchase epic gear that you’ll be able to use as transmogrification for your character. There is also always a new tabard waiting for you.
How to get Shado-Pan Assault Reputation
WoW Shado-Pan Assault rep grind is primarily done inside Throne of Thunder, the Mists of Pandaria raid instance for 10 or more people. You gain standing by defeating bosses of the raid.
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