Army of the Light Reputation Boost

Who are Army of the Light?
After the fall of Eredar under the might of fallen titan Sargeras, those who have escaped and called themselves draenei have sent their bravest and greatest devotees of the light have decided to follow the prime naaru Xe’ra to wage eternal war against the Burning Legion. Now, they battle demonic invasions across the cosmos in order to end their crusade on all living beings.
Army of the Light Reputation Rewards
After reaching exalted with the Army of the Light you can purchase a new unique mount for your collection called Lightforged Warframe – a unique battle machine that can fly and shoot cosmetic lasers of the light in the sky! You can also get their tabard for your collection.
How to get Army of the Light Reputation
WoW Army of the Light rep grind is started in Exodar, where you start your interdimensional travel to planet Argus. There you can complete three chapters of quests with the Army of the Light and gain enough standing to reach Honored. After that, you can complete world quests on Argus to gain more reputation.
Review - Army of the Light Reputation Boost