Earthen Ring Reputation Boost

Earthen Ring Reputation Boost
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 Who are the Earthen Ring?

    The Earthen Ring is a faction composed of shamans that is primarily set on keeping the balance of elements. With the recent disruptions created by the Cataclysm and Deathwing, members of the Earthen Ring are set on restoring the said balance with the help of Thrall. Their members can be met in Vashj’ir Deepholm and Twilight Highlands.

 Earthen Ring Reputation Rewards

    After reaching exalted with Earthen Ring you’ll be able to purchase all kinds of different transmogrification items from their quartermaster in Shimmering Expanse. They offer no mounts.

 How to get Earthen Ring Reputation

    WoW Earthen Ring rep grind can be mostly finished through normal questing, as their influence is spread through several zones. While they offer no daily quests, you can purchase their tabard after reaching friendly standing to farm reputation in heroic Cataclysm dungeons, as well as Grim Batol and Halls of Origination.

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