When it comes to timegate, or the gradual opening of content, the community is divided into two camps. Some people support such a model because it allows us not to hurry anywhere, there is always something to do with it in the game and, accordingly, there is a reason to play it. The second group strongly opposes the timegate, arguing that they are not allowed to play at their own pace and artificially stretch the content.
But it is worth noting that in Battle for Azeroth this model is almost never used, with rare exceptions. And this tradition of refusing timegate content will continue in patch 8.2. According to the developers, in the Mechagon and Nazjatar all the content will be available at release, with the exception of seasonal that is: new raid, new instance, pre-raid and pre-dungeon quests, and so on.
But there is one small detail...
All the content of Nazjatar and Mechagon will be available immediately, as I said, but to open it you will need to do certain quests and chains. Here is a summary of these chains:
When you enter the game after launching patch 8.2, you will be given a quest in which you‘ll have to arrive in Dazar’Alor or Boralus. And then a chain of tasks for descending to Nazjatar starts, it will take about 20 minutes, after which you will find yourself in the camp of your faction.
Later, Magni will arrive at the camp and report something that the MOTHER told him about Azeroth and you will begin a large-scale and epic task quest chain, during which players will learn about the change of the Heart of Azeroth, about the titan entities, and open access to them. And after, when the level of the Heart rises, new quests will appear.
After you return to Nazjatar, you will be summoned to help Baine Bloodhoof, no matter which faction you play. You should not ignore this chain as its events are as closely related to the Nazjatar.
After that, when you appear in Boralus or Dazar’Alor, you will learn about the mysterious island called Mechagon. The introductory chain for it will also take about 20 minutes. After you complete it, you will be able to play freely both in Mechagon and Nazjatar.
And in 2 weeks after the launch of the update, the third season starts with the opening of a new dungeon and raid, the reset of Mythic+ with new difficulty and PvP with new ladder, the maximum level of equipment will be raised and new rewards will appear.
But still there is some semi-balance of a timegate in Nazjatar, although it is not fixed but rather depends on the player’s success. Some content that is not available at first and opens after the player fulfills certain conditions.
After you complete an introductory chain, you will need to complete a couple of quests and do one hundred and twenty simple, world, daily quests, kill rare enemies, and so on. Any quest and rare spawn will count towards the progress. According to the plot, during this time the main troops will gather and accumulate power, and then the chain will continue. Therefore, it will take about 4-5 days to complete all 120 tasks / quests.
The only disadvantage is that for now the requirement for 120 quests is counted only towards the character and not the account, therefore, if you want to play an alt, you will have to do it a second, third time and so on.
Mechagon also has its own version of timegate. As such, the story quests are not there, but there are a lot of different events and most of them are tied to the randomness. That is, for example, there are many rare spawns on the island, which appear quite early in the day and you won’t be able to catch them two times on the same day. And also special NPC with quests and awards appear there. Every day will be different!
Turns out that even you playing 24/7 will not be able to complete everything in the first week, but this not a bad thing. There will be no feeling that you need to hurry somewhere, and there will be no artificial stretching by developers.