Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder Boost

Buy Battle for Azeroth Flying Boost
The new patch 8.2 comes with plenty of new content to get grindy on, but before doing that you’re probably gonna be focused on finally unlocking the skies on your account to make the life easier. And it would be easy, if only it weren’t for the requirements to unlock flying in Battle for Azeroth. To achieve this goal you’ll have to complete insane amounts of tasks and grind world quests weeks straight, and that means less time on the actual progression in the game. And this is why we offer you this service! You won’t have to care about all those useless quests because we are gonna complete the necessary achievements. While we’ll be grinding off, you’ll be able to relax and play the actual game.
Here’s how it works: after completing the purchase, contact our online support. They'll assign a player that will do the necessary work. Tell us the time when it’s convenient for you to be boosted: while you’re at work, sleeping, any time when you’re not playing the game will work. Then, all that’s left is to share your account’s login and password with our online support and we’ll begin the service. If you’re having doubts, check our reviews from our customers on Trustpilot. At this point, everything that’s left is to wait the message from our operators about the order completion. When it’s done, you'll be able to soar the sky on your mounts with ease.
How to unlock flying in Battle for Azeroth?
To get to fly in BFA you need to get two meta achievements called “Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder” part 1 and part 2. First part requires you to finish War Campaign, explore continent of Kul Tiras and Zandalar, and earn revered reputation with all allied factions. While second part is a shorter version of the former, requiring you to gain revered status with only two additional factions and explore two new islands – Nazjatar and Mechagon. BestBoost.Club team is dedicated to completion of these mundane grinds. We’ll complete each and every task necessary to obtain flying in BFA. Depending on your current progress, in just a couple of weeks you’ll get to fly above the dangers of Azeroth with no care in the world.
- BfA Pathfinder Part 1
• Battle for Azeroth Explorer: we will explore all regions of Kul Tiras and Zandalar, revealing all areas on the map.
• Azerothian Diplomat: we will reach Revered with six factions necessary to unlock flying.
• Wide World of Quests: we will complete 100 World Quests in Kul Tiras and Zandalar.
• Loremaster of Kul Tiras / Zandalar Forever! – we will complete main storylines of your faction in Battle for Azeroth.
• Ready for War – we will complete achievement “Ready for War” for your character.
- BfA Pathfinder Part 2
• Explore Nazjatar – we will explore all regions of Nazjatar, revealing all areas on the map.
• Explore Mechagon – we will explore all regions of Mechagon, revealing all areas on the map.
• Revered Unshackled / Waveblade Ankoan – we will reach Revered with allied Nazjatar faction on your character.
• Revered Rustbolt Resistance – we will reach Revered with “Rustbold Resistance” on your character.
Important information
We don't unlock flying partially. As an example, let's say you need all achievements to unlock flying and you only want reputation: we don't do it like that. If you need all requirements to unlock flying, then you have to select them all in order to begin the boost. We do it like that because there is a discount on the whole service. In case you're looking for partial completition of flying you have to negotiate wanted options with our Online Support.
What will you get for this service:
• Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder on your account
• Wonderwing 2.0 - a unique flying mechanical bird mount
• Completion of the main questlines
• Completion of War Campaign
• Revered reputation with all necessary factions
• Complete Exploration of BFA continents
• Gold, order resources, azerite obtained during the boost
• Order takes approximately up to 2-3 weeks
Requirements for ordering this service:
• You must have a level 120 character on your account
Review - Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder Boost